The Goldilocks of Project Portfolios: Finding the Perfect Fit to Optimize Your Project Portfolio


Goldilocks of project portfolios - Webinar

When it comes to resource planning, most project portfolios are managed either with intuition and spreadsheets, or with complex, monolithic PPM systems (and more spreadsheets)... and let's be clear; resource planning is absolutely essential if you want to maximize the flow of successful projects within your portfolio.  
The "quick-and-dirty" intuition and spreadsheets approach is too sloppy, it's based on a bunch of assumptions that are never verbalized, and gets less useful as the portfolio scales up.  Oh, and it's almost impossible to keep up-to-date. 
The big, monolithic PPM system approach is too complicated, and too heavily based on a bunch of project-level plans of questionable quality.... and it's also almost impossible to keep up-to-date!
What's needed is a "Goldilocks" approach that marries the speed and simplicity of the intuitive approach with the power and scale of the PPM approach. 
And luckily, we have just the tool for the job! Through a unique mix of Decision Science, Operational Research and Common Sense we aim to give clients that elusive 'just enough' level of detail they need to do portfolio management effectively, without asking our colleagues to boil the ocean with data. And let's be clear - this isn't "best practice" for its own sake. Do this well and the ROI of your portfolio will sky-rocket. We've seen it happen (no fairytales here...) 
In the recorded webinar below, guest expert Mike Hannan, founder of Fortezza Consulting, joins me to showcase a best-of-both worlds approach that any project portfolio leader, at any size or scale, can apply within minutes to help drive up the performance of their portfolios... all with a touch of AI magic.

Useful Resources

If you're interested in learning more about the topics covered in the webinar, here are some resources to dig into...


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